St.John’s ProvinceKanjirappally started its mission journey in the year 1988 by sending foursisters to the diocese of Gorakhpur diocese in UP to establish the missionstation at Khalilabad. After five years in 1993 missionary work was extended toNepal. In collaboration with CST fathers our sisters started the mission Centreat Narayangarth. Later on in 1996 our presence was expanded to Kathmandu. Meanwhilegroundwork was already done to start the mission work in Diocese of Chanda andsisters started the service at Reppenpally station. In course of time differentapostolic works started in different parts of Nepal and Chanda. The mission activitesof Kanjirappally Province was functioning by two units as Chanda and Nepalunder the leadership of coordinators.
Formation of aseparate region came to reality by the earnest efforts of Provincial SuperiorMother Amala Kidangathzhe on 2018.It was officially inaugurated on 10thnovember2018 at Sanjoe Regional House with Pontificial Qurbana celebrated byHis Excellency Rt.Rev. Ephrem Narikulam. The region comprises thirteen conventsin four dioceses and Sanjo Bhavan at New Delhi, Bellarsha is the regionalHouse.The declaration of this region was made by the General Superior MotherGrace Perumpanany.
Regional Team Members:
Regional Superior:Sr.Deepa Neeruvelil SABS
1)Sr.LittleTresaPalappallil SABS
2)Sr.Maris MyladiyilSABS
3)Sr.Queen MaryAymanathil SABS(Councilor and Secretary)
4)Sr.Anice MaliekkelSABS(Finance Officer)
Address: Sanjoe Bhavan,Kermith Village
BaminiP.O,Ballarpur,Chandrapur Dt
Maharashtra -442701