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Eucharistic Apostolate

Eucharistic adoration is our main apostolate and the reason for which our congregation was started. We foster the spirit of Eucharistic devotion in others through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, by conducting Eucharistic retreats, conventions and symposiums. We engage actively in parishes by giving Catechism classes, making house visits and participating in prayer meetings. SABS Associates, Eucharistic Youth Wing and Eucharistic Centre are three different wings of the Adoration Congregation to spread Eucharistic devotion among lay people. During the centenary year of 2008, almost all provinces published books, CDs, cassettes, posters etc. to foster Eucharistic culture. 

Perpetual Adoration 

One hundred years back, our Founder exhorted us that each day every SABS should have a Holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament praying for the salvation of all and paying reparation for the sins of the whole world. Today, we have 89 perpetual adoration centres where we offer continuous Eucharistic adoration, offering glory and praise to Jesus and interceding for the whole world. We help people to deepen their faith and to have God experience by encouraging them to participate in the Eucharistic adoration. The world today sees Eucharistic Adoration as the single solution for the increasing man-made terrorisms, natural disasters, and unknown diseases and also for the unending problems of poverty, consumerism, selfishness and violence. We accept invitations from Bishops to start perpetual adoration centres in Cathedrals of various dioceses also to intercede for the whole world. 


SABS Associates, Eucharistic Youth Wing and Eucharistic Centres 

We have Eucharistic centres attached to our houses and institutions in order to develop a Eucharistic culture based on Gospel values and to attract all especially the children and youth, to the Eucharistic Lord. We were able to organize ‘Angel’s Meet’ in most parishes in connection with the Centenary celebrations of the congregation in 2008. Eucharistic Youth Wing focuses youngsters and conducts retreats, adorations, seminars and also cultural programmes for them. SABS Associates is an organization of secular people operating in our congregation under the auspices of the Eucharistic centres. Its aim is to instil in people spirituality, centred on the Eucharist, so that they become promoters of Eucharistic devotion. Our sisters work very closely with the Associates as members of the same family, sharing with them the spirituality and mission of our congregation.


Pastoral Ministry

The sisters take part in the various activities of the parish and lead the parish community to the communion of the church. They take active participation to give religious instruction to the youth and children to deepen their Catholic faith and to impart the teachings of the church to them. They prepare children and adults to receive the sacraments, with devotion. The sisters take part in the various associations in the parish and many a times take full responsibility over these associations to train the people to be active members of the parish church by their guidance and direction. Preparing altar boys to take part in the Divine Liturgy with devotion is also taken as a responsibility of the sisters. Also the sisters visit the families to conduct family prayers and to see to the various needs of the people. In our parishes we engage in acts of mercy as parish nurses, by seeing the distorted face of Christ in the sick, suffering and dying of the parish. 


Other Programmes

Every year we conduct Eucharistic conventions which are aimed at fostering Eucharistic culture and promoting Eucharistic devotion. These conventions are arranged in different provinces to make the divine mercy of the Eucharistic Lord known to all. People from all walks of life attend these enriching programmes which help them to lay the foundation of a life based on Eucharistic spirituality. We the Adoration sisters celebrate the Feast of the Corpus Christy as our Congregation Day. It is a day which we use to reflect our true spirit by conducting solemn Eucharistic processions, symposiums and other enriching programmes for the people of God. We have Eucharistic retreat teams in each province to deepen youth and other people in Eucharistic spirituality.